Make a Gift
Because of you, we continue to provide the largest per capita financial assistance program of any Catholic high school in Minnesota. True to our Lasallian heritage, we are not a school for rich kids or a school for poor kids, but we are a school for all kids. Our families come from all backgrounds – and their sons and daughters learn to work together, pray together, and serve together. Half will be able to stay at De and pay a reduced tuition because you have helped.
We are also able to renovate or build new facilities to meet the needs of a growing school. We provide equity for all students in the allocation of technology and other resources because you have helped. The Development Office can answer questions about our school’s finances, assist with gifts of stock, real estate, and retirement assets, and estate planning.
We are faithful stewards of your support. Our budgets are balanced. We are not burdened by debt. Our endowment is growing. Our donors are very much a part of a resurgent DeLaSalle. You, too, are Islanders! And you can take great pride in that connection!
If you have questions about your donation or would like to make your gift by phone, please contact the Advancement Office at 612-676-7677.
To make other types of gifts, such as appreciated stocks or securities, email Sam Johnson.