Eligibility & Registration
Athletic Registration
Winter Registration will open on Monday, October 14. The registration link can be found on our website here. If your student played a fall sport this school year, and already submitted a sports physical form during that registration process, you won't have to do so again. If it has expired or will expire during the winter sports season, the Activities Office will reach out to you.
If your student hasn't gone through the sports registration process yet this school year, all students are required to submit a valid sports physical. With the change in registration systems, we are unable to access what was uploaded last year. Those can be turned into the Activities Office or uploaded here. To use the upload option, please note you need to be logged into a google account. If you don't have a google account, please email a pdf file of the sports physical to activitiesoffice@delasalle.com.
Activity Registration
To sign up for a club, click the button below and fill out the form. If you would like to sign up for multiple clubs this year, please fill out a new form each time. To view more information about our club offerings, please click here. If you have any questions, please reach out to activitiesoffice@delasalle.com
Transfer Student Eligibility
Minnesota State High School League rules govern how students who transfer to DeLaSalle from another school may participate in athletics. A transfer student is defined as an individual who attends a school that is different from the school in which they started their first day of 9th grade. All transfer students must first complete the admissions process at DeLaSalle before starting the MSHSL Student Transfer Eligibility process. Once admission has been granted and a student is enrolled and attending classes at DeLaSalle, he or she must work with the Director of Student Activities to determine their eligibility.
The first step is to complete the MSHSL Student Transfer Checklist. Once this form is complete you must submit a valid sports physical to the DeLaSalle Activities Office. At that time the Director of Student Activities will be in contact with you regarding next steps.
Questions? Please contact activitiesoffice@delasalle.com.