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Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups at DeLaSalle are student organizations based on a common social identity, ideology, or concern for a given issue. The groups are managed by Terrell McMoore, Executive Director of Human Dignity and Inclusion. 


Moderator: Carlos Villagomez

ALAS (Associaton of LatinX and Allied Students) brings representation to DeLaSalle within LatinX community. ALAS works to unite the latinx and Hispanic communities to talk about issues within the latinx community, and provide a safe space to talk about these issues. ALAS also works to engage the DeLaSalle community in LatinX culture and make students feel more in touch with their culture, background, and history.

Season: All Year



Moderator: Aaron Cote

ASA (Asian Student Association) works to create a welcoming and safe environment for members of the AAPI community as well as the rest of the student body. We want people to come together and learn about different Asian cultures and experiences. We also want to educate ourselves and others about the history and continued struggles that Asian Americans face on both a local and global scale.

Season: All Year


BLK (Black.Liberated.Knowledgeable)

Moderator: Terrell McMoore

Our mission is to provide a fun, inclusive space for students to express themselves comfortably, by encouraging all perspectives on the black experience. Our focus is on discussing black and minority issues in society today, through the facilitation of conversations on black culture and unity. In addition to this, our events will be all-inclusive and student-focused, with an emphasis on the black experience. Through all of this, we will promote the self-love and confidence of all identities. We want to provide a space for All experiences to be celebrated; while leaving a legacy DeLaSalle can be proud of.

Season: All Year