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In harmony with the philosophy of DeLaSalle High School and the National Catechetical Directory: Sharing the Light of Faith, the Theology Department endeavors to do the following for our students:

  • Encourage each one to develop a personal faith response to the unconditional love of God,
  • Provide them with an understanding of the Catholic tradition,
  • Help them learn how to participate in a community of faith,
  • Invite each one to live a life of service to others.

The Bible, the Word of God, is shared daily through classroom prayers, texts, activities and liturgies. Opportunities for participation in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church are made available in cooperation with Lasallian Ministry. Through the study of Jesus’ life and mission, students encounter Christian values basic to life in all of its progressions and challenges. Students develop an awareness of the created world as a gift, but also recognize the need for redemption. Theology teachers seek to aid students in their search for God through the examination of world history, cultures, and customs. Emphasis is given to the Catholic Tradition, its historical development and ritual expression. These studies are positioned against the backdrop of contemporary times in order to furnish the values necessary for attaining a productive and fulfilled Christian life.

In partnership with the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, all grade levels will include curriculum components from the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth. These include boundaries and personal safety lessons with a focus on digital privacy & security, online relationships & communication, digital footprint & identity and cyberbullying & hate speech.

Our goal is to prepare students to navigate today’s digital environment.

Theology Courses

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  • Grade 12


This course provides opportunities for students to explore various components of engaging ministry and empowers them to implement programming to enhance faith, community and service within the greater DeLaSalle community. Core content will focus on liturgy, prayer, service, retreats, faith sharing and servant leadership through the lens of the 5 core Lasallian principles. Students in this course will be challenged to put their faith and leadership into action as they work together to research, plan, and lead Lasallian Ministry programming and events. A very high commitment to organization, management, faith development and service is needed for this course.

Open to 12 grade students only, and fills both the Morality and Theology elective requirement for 12th graders.


  • Be in good academic standing.
  • Have at least a C average in previous theology classes.
  • Registration for this course requires the recommendation of a Theology teacher and one other adult within the building (teacher, advisory, coach, activity moderator).
  • Students must complete an application requesting this course.
  • Grade 11


This course is designed to help students acknowledge and embrace the responsibilities they have to the world. Each student will explore the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching as they learn to broaden and deepen our understanding of what it means to love our neighbor. The students will connect theory to practice as each one understands the value of ethics in the family, Church, home, work-place, community, nation, and world.

This course is required of all 11th grade students.

  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12


This class will explore the development and influence of Christianity in the Americas. Topics will include the influence of Christianity in European colonization and the founding of the United States; the role and impact of missionaries throughout the Americas; the syncretism of Christianity and other cultures/religious beliefs in Latin America; the progression of Liberation Theology and its place in contemporary Latin America. This class is primarily activity and project based, with an emphasis on in-class participation.

  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12


This course deals initially with the major questions confronting humankind: the nature of God, mystery, human destiny and purpose. Major world religions will be surveyed: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. In each case, this survey will provide a treatment of basic underlying philosophical assumptions about life and about the basic beliefs of each religion.

  • Grade 12


This course explores the Christian life by helping students to conscientiously determine their morals as they relate to developing loving relationships with God, Self and Others. Students will explore their sense of morality while studying the prohibitions and aspirations of the Ten Commandments and related topics through a Catholic lens. This course will give students the opportunity to continue to develop their spiritual lives and recognize the process as a lifelong value, while teaching practical skills for conscience development and moral decision making.

This course is required of all 12th grade students, unless they take the Campus Ministry Leadership course

  • Grade 9


Students will be introduced to the study of Scripture using the historical critical method. They will learn the relationship between Scripture and Tradition, explore the religious truths behind the biblical accounts, and make connections to their lives. Students will study both the Old and New Testaments.

This course is required of all 9th grade students.

  • Grade 9
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12

DeLaSalle’s Service Learning program creates, fosters and supports opportunities for students to learn and grow as servant leaders in the world today. Through the Service Learning program, students begin to understand people in need and explore ways that they can make a difference on a local and global level. By volunteering at various service agencies, students gain insights and understanding of the economic, physical, and spiritual needs of community members. The goal is that students will develop a life-long desire to meet these needs and continue to work for solutions to unjust situations. All students, including those who transfer to DeLaSalle High School, must complete 60 Service Learning hours by February 1st of their 12th grade year; the hours are to be recorded through the online validation system. Upon completion students will receive a grade of “P” (passing) and 1 credit.

  • Grade 10


With the Catechism as the primary text, students will study the Creed as a source of understanding the major historical events from the time of the Apostles to the Second Vatican Council. Liturgy and Sacraments are explored in depth as they relate to the Paschal Mystery, and students are exposed to the lives of the Saints and the development of Church practices.

This course is required of all 10th grade students.

  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12


This course explores the theological expressions in the arts. Students will compare and contrast religious themes as they are presented in a variety of artistic mediums. Students will develop an appreciation of classic and contemporary works in film, literature, architecture, and music over the course of the semester. The primary focus will be how the key components of the Catholic worldview present themselves and blend with cultural and artistic influences.