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College Credits

DeLaSalle offers a variety of ways for the high school student to obtain college and university credit while remaining in the high school environment.

Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP) credit is available via coursework and testing in Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Chinese Language and Culture, Computer Science A,, Computer Science Principles (CSP), European History, U.S. Government, Physics, Psychology (testing only), Spanish, Statistics, Studio Art, United States History. Any student who wishes to prepare for the AP Test in an area not listed here should see a teacher and counselor early in the year for advice on how to accomplish this goal. Students who take AP classes are required to take the AP test in May.

Learn more about Advanced Placement (AP) here. 

Global Advantage

Global Advantage college credits are available through Hamline University, St Mary’s University of Minnesota or the University of Minnesota upon completion of a class/travel summer session at DeLaSalle and payment of a fee. Global Advantage Program academic courses combine rigorous academic components with short term travel to international destinations chosen to compliment the areas of study. Courses are typically designed through collaboration between DeLaSalle faculty and university professors allowing students to earn college credits for many of the courses. Academics will often combine subject matters – e.g. Art and Science, History and Literature – with preparation of students under the motto “preparation and participation, curiosity and civility”. Additionally, students may apply for longer term exchange opportunities in Argentina, Germany, Italy and Costa Rica. The experiences will last four to eight weeks and students will attend a partner high school while living with a host family. Students may earn 0.5 DeLaSalle credit for exchange opportunity.

Learn more about the Global Advantage program here.


PACC credits (College Credit through St. Mary’s University of Minnesota) in AP Calculus BC, AP Language and Composition (AP English 11); AP Literature and Composition (AP English 12); Anatomy and Physiology; and Honors Spanish IV are available for a modest tuition fee to St. Mary’s University. A list of colleges and universities accepting PACC credits is available on the St. Mary’s University website here.